The history of Wehrly's Auction Service Inc

Wehrly's Auction Service Inc. was started by Charles L. Wehrly. In 1966, Charlie, (as we all know him by) attended the Reish School of Auctioneering and after doing a year apprentice in 1968, he conducted his first on site auction. In February 1969, he held his first consignment Auction. In 1976 he built his Dream Auction House. He built his business with a strong farm boy work ethic and follows two rules: Be honest and Follow the Golden Rule. Young Charles still works every day-hauling, setting up, calling bids or sweeping the floor. He is Scott’s inspiration and #1 Consultant on all important decisions.
Wehrly's Auction Service Inc. is a calibration of many talented & experienced people working together to serve the public in a most professional and knowledgeable way for marketing.
Wehrly's Auction Service Inc. is owned and operated by Scott C. Wehrly, a second generation Auctioneer. Scott has been involved with this auction since he was nine years old and took over control from his dad in Jan. 2001. Scott has been calling bids since the beginning and was licensed as an Apprentice in 1978 and a Full License at the Age of 20 working with the Founder, his father, Charles.

SHAWN D CARBAUGH, is an irreplacable part of Wehrly’s Auction. he runs the show around here and brings an unparalleled amount of talent to the auction house as sales manager. Shawn is the oldest youngest man we know. He came as an apprentice in 2008. He is like a walking American History Book. His main focus is Early Farm Related Antiques, along with Civil War, WWI and WWII war items. Shawn lived and learned the York Co. Pa. Dutch Farm Life as a child and now speaks PA. Dutch as well as English.

Established in 1968
by our Founder, Charles L. Wehrly

Wehrly's Auction Service Inc. is a full service Auction Company using the latest technology with the oldest proven method of marketing.
We Real Estate to Fire Arms, Coins, Antiques, Tools and all types of Estate Sales. Currently We use the latest techno.logy oto simulcast all in house auctions to all 50 US states with nearly 5,00 approved bidders